Google Scholar Library allows you to build your personal collection of articles within Scholar. You can save articles right from the search page, organize them with labels, and use the power of Scholar's full-text search & ranking to quickly find just the one you want. You decide what goes into your library and we provide all the goodies that come with Scholar search results - up to date article links, citing articles, related articles, formatted citations, links to your university’s subscriptions, and more.
As personal libraries have grown over time, managing them takes more effort. Today we are making organizing your library easier by making it possible to update or export multiple articles with a single click. For example, if you are writing a new paper, you can quickly export the articles to cite to your favorite reference manager; if you are grouping papers that explore different aspects of your research area, you can select all papers in a sub-field and label them with one click.

If you don’t yet have a library, it is easy to create one and find us on Facebook.
As personal libraries have grown over time, managing them takes more effort. Today we are making organizing your library easier by making it possible to update or export multiple articles with a single click. For example, if you are writing a new paper, you can quickly export the articles to cite to your favorite reference manager; if you are grouping papers that explore different aspects of your research area, you can select all papers in a sub-field and label them with one click.
If you don’t yet have a library, it is easy to create one and find us on Facebook.
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